
The Peabody Hotel In Memphis

I made a stop in Memphis, Tennessee recently (my first trip there) and I didn't stay at the Peabody Hotel.  Nope.  I stayed next door.  At a...ummm...not so great place.  It was fine.  But it wasn't the Peabody.  And, I do love me some historic hotels, so I had to stop in during one of the breaks to take a look around the lobby. From their site : Known as the “South’s Grand Hotel,” The Peabody is legendary for its charm, elegance, gracious hospitality and rich history. This Memphis icon, opened in 1869, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is world-famous for its five resident ducks, who march daily through the lobby at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Of course, I had to see the ducks.  But, I didn't see them arrive or depart.  They were just kind of hanging out in the fountain in the lobby. And...that two-story lobby?  It is spectacular.  Worth going to have a drink there if you are in town. I've covered some other historic hotels here on the b

The Sunday Fertilizer Large Lawn Beta Test - Fall 2019

If you're like me, and you follow lawn/landscape/gardening people on Instagram, you've likely been targeted with a fertilizer product called Sunday .  They're a 'better lawn' company that can send you - on a schedule - a tailored nutrient plan that is healthy (for kids, pets and the environment), easy (just arrives and you have to apply it) and effective (will keep your turf in a good spot).   That's a really powerful value proposition, right?  I want something that is easy to put down.  Something that works - and keeps my lawn green.  And...importantly....I want it safe for my kids and dog.  I've gone to organic with Milorganite and I don't think I want to go back to a synthetic.   Of all the Direct-To-Consumer 'subscription' services that have popped up, I think the two that meet me right where I am are a furnace filter one and a lawn care/fertilizer one.   Unfortunately, the furnace filter service(s) are tailored to people that ha

View from the Road - Rainbow On The Way Home

This is the *next* in the series of posts showing the view out my airplane window on a trip back home after a week of work meetings.    The last time was this sunset on the way home from Newark .  Before that was seeing the Aurora Borealis over Alaska .    This time, I saw this rainbow somewhere between Tennessee and O'hare on my regional airplane that wasn't the SpaceJet 1 .  I was sitting in the row of 1 seat on the port side (do they call it port/starboard on airplanes??) of the aircraft - which felt like a nice little perk after being exhausted from the week of work. 1. [For disclosure - and for those who don't know - I work at Edelman Public Relations Worldwide. I work/workeded on the launch on the Mitsubishi Spacejet Family at the Paris Air Show this year. They are a client of Edelman's.] ↩

Firewood Delivery Of Cherry and Birch Face Cords - October 2019

Exactly one year ago, I posted photos and details of our annual firewood delivery from Best Firewood and talked about how we went with Cherry and Birch as our early season woods.  When we built our house, Nat insisted on a wood-burning fireplace with a masonry chimney.  We have one in our family room and we use the one on our screened porch.  When we bought the lot, there was a little bit of wood that had been cut down that was laying around.  Our firewood journey began with that inherited lot and some chopping in November of 2017 .   That lasted us until about mid-December.  And got us going in terms of burning fires most days we're home during the Winter.  Since then, we've had wood delivered each season that we've lived in our new house in Downers Grove starting with a mixed Face Cord that we had delivered right around Christmas of 2017 .   From there, I've done check-ins on our consumption including: February 2018 consumption check Delivery in October

Aloha Duffy From Aulani Disney Pin - On Our Board

One of the kids bought this Duffy pin during our stay at Aulani from earlier this year, but I just found it amongst their toys randomly.  But, I should have known that there was a third pin because I only documented two Aulani-related pins from our trip:  the O'lu turtle pin and this "Happy Holidays" Aulani pin featuring both Duffy and Shellie Mae . This "Aloha Duffy" with his Hawaiian shirt and luau necklace is going right on our pin board ( here's the first one and here's the second one ) in the garage alongside the rest of the pins we've collected. With my travels to Tokyo Disney, I've been able to bring home a few other Duffy and Friends-related things for the kids and they seem to love him.  Despite being pulled out of the American parks in all things but for the "Good Night Show" that they play at the resorts.  Oh, you haven't had your kids watch it?  Mine love it and this version on YouTube means we can even watch i

Wisconsin Cheesehead at Walmart for $22

Up at the Lake Geneva Walmart the KotBT found this Cheesehead and couldn't resist trying it on.  He said that they have one of these in the 'costume trunk' at his pre-school so he knew what it was immediately.   Are you surprised that they're $22?  I don't know why, but that struck me as being more than I figured they were going for around Wisconsin? This is the same Walmart - about 15 minutes away from Twin Lakes - that sells the cases of Spotted Cow , the Bucky Badger Club Cheese and where we both picked up our fishing license and spotted Chicago Alderman Ed Burke with his security detail looking over a kayak .  Of course, I didn't let the boy get the cheesehead.  Nevermind the price.  We are with Da Bears in our house.  Doesn't mean we don't love us some Wisconsin Cheese like the King of Clubs .  Just not the Cheeseheads. 

Front Yard Driveway Karl Foerster Grasses - October 2019

Next up in my entries documenting some of our front yard plants are these Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grasses.  Unlike the Little Henry that I posted a few days ago , these grasses *have* been documented in the garden diary.    I posted a photo last August showing all three of them here .    And here's what they look like earlier in the season - June 2018 - when they were just emerging.  You can tell that these have grown larger and more substantial.  They move with the breeze and provide a nice breaker in the little bed between our driveway and the front stairs towards the porch.  When I look at these, I see a little bit of what looks like Grass Rust on the blades, but it might be just seasonal aging?  I didn't treat these with any fungicide like I did in our front yard, but I'll keep an eye on them next season and maybe put a little preventive down before I mulch.  The feather reeds are beautiful this year and they provide quite a bit of "winter interest"