
Showing posts with the label bi-color

Confirmed: Mutation Bi-Color Dahlia Plant - Purple Ball and Orange Decorative - August 2024

Just yesterday, I posted a photo that hinted at the idea that on of my dahlia tubers - an Orange Nugget Dahlia - was growing two different color flowers .   Today, the top bloom opened-up and it is anything but orange.  Have a look at the photo below showing a perfect, dark purple ball (or pompon?) Dahlia perched on top and then peek below in the foliage for an Orange Nugget Dahlia hiding about half-way down the plant.  Two blooms, same tuber.   If you look closely to the left of the purple bloom, you'll see a couple more buds being set.  What color will they be?  I'm guessing purple.  

Do I Have A Bi-Color Dahlia? August 2024

Up front, in the IBDWs section, I planted a Cornell Bronze Dahlia tuber that I started indoors in a small nursery pot .  I put the sprouted tuber in the ground in mid-June and now, two-months-later it is showing its very first blooms.   This dahlia suffered some rabbit damage early, so I put a chicken wire cage around it in hopes that it would grow up/out and have a big bloom season.   That season of blooms is NOW upon us.  Below, you can see the first Cornell Bronze ball bloom tucked in below the top foliage.  There are more on the way. But, something *else* is happening on this very same Dahlia plant.  For SOME REASON, I'm seeing a purple bloom about to open up - at the very top of the stalk.  Yes...purple dahlia.  On the same plant that is blooming those orange ball flowers.  See below - for a most-certainly purple bloom about to open up: What the what?  Is this a mutation?  A pollinator-caused result?  I have no idea, but I'll be watching this plant to see what else pops la