Zowie Yellow Flame Zinnia - August 2024

I bought and quickly divided a nursery-grown yellow, orange and red Zinnia named Zowie Yellow Flame earlier this season in a spot IB2DWs . It produced a few early flowers that I clipped off some of the tips in hopes that it would 'bush-out' and get bigger. The result? Mixed. It has certainly been pretty prolific with blooms. But, it is tall and NOT super wide/fat/bush-like. Below is what it looks like in late August: I don't know a ton about collecting Zinnia seeds - specifically what happens with hybrids like this one - but I'm going to dry a couple heads and harvest the seeds. I'll throw them into a mix and direct-sow them in my sideyard next Spring. And, maybe I'll even throw some down IB2DWs to fill-in all the blank space over there.