Month at the Museum - Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry

A few weeks back, I went to the Museum of Science and Industry for a few business meetings.  We began talking about what they're working on and they took me to see the "bedroom" - that is the living quarters in the photo above - for their "Month at the Museum" project.  The deadline to apply is tomorrow, so get your application in!  There's a video portion of the application, so you'll have to be creative.  

This is an important time for the museum as they're trying to make themselves relevant to both kids and young adults (their prime audience).  They've finished a capital campaign and have recently rebranded to  become more MSI and less Museum.  And...they have a U-boat!  Do you know the story of the U-505?  It is - as my dad would say - crazy shit.  Seriously.  These 9 young Americans were tasked with boarding a sinking German sub that had been scuttled.  The Germans opened hatches and armed scuttle charges to blow up the boat.  In the face of certain death, these young men went aboard a sinking enemy ship and against all odds closed the hatch and disarmed the charges.  Unreal.  

From their site:

Museum of Science and Industry Timeline

In 1893, our building opened as part of the Columbian Exposition.
In 1933, we opened as the Museum of Science and Industry with a coal mine.
In 1954, we got a submarine.
In 1994, we got a 727.
In 2010, we'll be getting a roommate.


They're looking for someone to literally live in the museum for 30 days.  The person selected will be all over the museum and participate in events for them across the full month.  In exchange, you get $10K and a bit of notoriety, I suppose.  Plus....all the rides in the coal mine's elevator a guy or girl could ask for!

Aside from the really creepy thought of sleeping in that glass box each night, if I was single, I would TOTALLY apply.  


  1. Married? Shoot, man, that didn't stop some of us. Now, the little kid, that's kind of a ball and chain... in a good way, of course. I was able to get away with putting in an app because my first one's still inside of my wife for a few more months.

  2. Good luck, Brendan! I wish I could have applied!


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