In Praise of Coleus As A Bedding Plant - October 2024

This Summer, I planted three small Inferno Coleus plants in the (then brand new) Island Bed in our front yard as bedding plants . These were (for me) the first Coleus that I'd planted directly in the ground versus using them in containers. My journey to that moment started in Spring when I was watching a garden tour on YouTube from Justin at S&K Greenhouse . Over the years, Justin ( who's channel is great and you should subscribe ) has visited the garden of Bruce Duncan . Justin and Bruce have a history together (I think Bruce spent some time at the Nursery/Greenhouse), but they also have great on-screen chemistry. Bruce also has a spectacular garden . In that video, Bruce shows off a few different coleus that he has planted in colonies. I went and learned a little bit about veined vs edged-leaf coleus and which one can tolerate full sun vs which ones prefer shade. I also included planting coleus as a bedding plant (among other a...