Filling Compost Bin With Fall Leaves - November 2024

In October, I turned my compost over. That meant pulling out the 'black gold' in the tumbler (that's where I finish the compost each year) and then re-filling the tumbler with more-finished (than the rest) of the compost from the right bin. Then using a compost fork to pull out and move the stuff from the 'middle bin' to the 'right bin' - where it was properly mixed. And finally...taking the storage bin - the 'left bin' which is mostly leaves and kitchen scraps and mixing it in the middle bin. That left the 'storage bin' on the left empty. For like 10 days. Here's what it looks like today - below. The left bin (with the 'feed me' sign) is filling up with leaves that have come off our lawn and out of our gardens: There is A LOT of air in this bin, so these leaves will compact/compress to about 1/2 of the bin height. I'm going to give it a pause for a week-or-so, then come back and fill it back up with even more leaves...