More Lazy Garden Bed Extensions - Front Porch, Patio Corner and Boardwalk Landing - October 2024

A couple weeks ago, I posted a Fall project that I called "Lazy Garden Bed Extensions" where I first used my mower to scalp some turf followed by laying down cardboard to extend the front border of the front porch bed out a little bit. On top of that cardboard went biosolids and compost followed by some wood mulch (from a big box store) that I had on hand. I didn't do the full front porch bed border (then), but recently....I was able to get around and finish the entire border. I ended up extending the front porch border out by 18-inches or so out from where the French Marigolds were planted this season. You can see the in the photo below the new edge of the bed is now stretching out a bit into the grass. If you look closely, you can see the Marigolds (in decline) and the lone Dusty Miller (this is year 3 for that "annual"), so that gives you a sense of the new extension. I also found a couple of other spots where the bed was 'too small' for the plan...