We Got A Fake Clif Kid Bar #ThanksObama

Nat picked up a box of Clif Kid Organic Zbars at Costco this week and as I cracked it open to give one to the girls, I found what is best described as a 'fake' Clif Kid bar.  It was a perfectly sealed wrapper of a bar, but just simply filled with air.

Check out the video:

The girls thought it was awesome.  Me?  Not so much.  
I had to dump the whole box out to figure out if we just got this as a 'bonus' or if we were short one bar.  Sure enough...short one bar.  They counted this 'air-filled' wrapper as a bar.  

Maybe this is a not-so-subtle message that we're eating too many bars?  Dropping some calories through ingesting air instead of granola?


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