London Plane Tree Bloodgood - Planted May 2020
Back at the end of April, I went on an early morning socially-distant Home Depot run and bought a tree with some birthday money that reminded me of Paris . Yeah..Paris. Despite it being named the London Plane Tree. It was a tall tree on a 50% off deal that I jumped at. This post shows the label for the tree that includes the name Platanus x acerfifolia . I stared at this tree for a week as it sat on our patio before we finally planted it around mid-May. It went in the ground a day or two BEFORE the super-late HARD frost that arrived and shocked everything ( including our ferns ). This London Plane tree had some tender leaves that were emerging from the buds on the tree when that frost arrived. And...I think it got hit. Or...some combination of the hard frost AND the transplant shock hit the tree hard. All of the little leaves went brown and turned pretty limp. They didn't dry out and were still pliable, but something was certainly wrong. Here's what thos