Cast Iron Urn 2021: Relocated with Fountain Grass Monoculture

I bought a large cast iron urn planter off of Craigslist a few years back and have planted it with a combination of annuals and perennials the past few seasons.  I kept it right next to the driveway in front, but at least once a season, Nat would comment about how she thought it wasn't the right spot for the large, black urn.  

For history, here are a few posts showing off the various different plantings that I've made in this urn.

2018:  I don't think I captured the planting.

2019:  A dark coral bell, a begonia and some tropical flair.

2020:  A foxtail fern, Blue Salvia and red petunias.  

This year, I decided to move it to the backyard - in a bed - and to plant a monoculture.  For the planting, I went with (wait for it....) a couple of fountain grasses.  These are reddish in color and called Fireworks Fountain Grasses - Pennisetum alopecuroides.  These were $9.98 at Home Depot and I bought two of them.

And, here's what they look like in the urn:

I put the urn on top of a big red paver that I harvested from our neighbor's teardown.  I'll end up covering this base paver with mulch.

I chose to put them in the north side bed/border - kind of "next to" the new large(ish) Weeping Nookta Falsecypress tree.  You can see this urn and the grasses from the patio.  

Wisconsin Horticulture Extension Office has a post up about Pennisetum Fireworks where they describe it as medium-sized and showing.

Also of note, I'm warming to the idea of monocultures in containers and think that I'll continue to explore how to pull off container design with monocultures in the next few weeks


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