Exotic Star Amaryllis - In Bloom - January 2025
We grew two Amaryllis bulbs this Christmas season - an Exotic Star Amaryllis and a Double Dream Amaryllis . Both were 'nice' bulbs from the garden center - not a big box store kit-type bulb. I don't seem to have posted about these in December, but one of them - the Exotic Star - took off. While the other one (Double Dream) stayed dormant. That has held true all the way until today - early January. The Double Dream is still dormant. But, the Exotic Star is in full bloom with three flowers opening up and showing their stripes. See below for a what the Exotic Star looks like currently. Note those bottom (and side) petals being a tad LONGER than the one sticking up at the top. That's part of the 'design' of Exotic Star Amaryllis . So, too are the red stripes on white petals and the 'green apple' highlights. Once the stalk(s) started to get a couple inches from the bulb, I started to water this one with the diluted alco...