
Anemone 'Lucky Charm' Blooms - Late August 2024

Three weeks ago, I noted that the Anemone 'Lucky Charm' flower show was just getting started with the emergence of those purple, sphere-shaped buds that stand at the top of thin, upright stems .  Today, that show is happening in full-force.  If history is any guide, these will bloom all Fall.  But right now, they're showing-off with a light-purple petal show in the 'kitchen curved' bed in our backyard.   See below of the current state of this little colony of Fall color.  Something to think about is using these in other spots in the garden.  They get 'part sun', but are really the ONLY blooms left to pop-off in our foliage-heavy garden.  I could use these elsewhere to provide some late-season action.  NOTE to future Jake:  Divide these in Fall. 

Korean Maple, Sping Grove Ginkgo Island Bed Update - Late August 2024

Earlier this season, I planted a dwarf Spring Grove Ginkgo tree , a Korean Maple ( Northern Glow Maple ) and a clump of Inferno Coleus in a new island bed in the middle of our front yard.  I used shade cloth to protect all of these from the hot Summer sun, but with the calendar turning to late-August (and Nat saying that it was looking a little 'Sanford & Son'), I recently took the shade cloth down.  And, here, below is how everything is faring this Summer.  The photo shows the Ginkgo, Maple and Coleus all doing well.  I say 'well' because they're not dying.   The top of the Maple saw some damage, but I'm pretty sure that's due to the shade cloth.  The Ginkgo is putting on tiny, curled leaves.  And the coleus is thriving.   Here's what this spot looked like BEFORE I created this new island bed .   My plan for [Fall 2024] is to connect this bed to the driveway and sidewalk and cover it in mulch.  Guess I need to start ...

Royal Purple Smoke Tree - August 2024

Another note to self about Fall Planting:  just look at this Royal Purple Smokebush.  Talk about 'easy'.  I put it in the ground late last year - very late - at the end of October .  And, have mostly forgotten about it.  Today?  It is more-than-doubled in size and is doing its dark-foliage thing.  I watered this a little bit this Summer and was always struck by the SOUND watering it made.  The foliage is different than other leaves and has water run-off of it almost like tyvek.  The house wrap.  Weird comparison, I know.  But, that's the best I one that came to mind.  Water sort-of 'beads' on the leaves and then drops down to the mulch.   Here, below, is how it looks currently at the end of August: We didn't get any of those 'clouds' of seedheads (yet), but that's ok.   This is probably 15-to-18-inches tall right now, so it has plenty of height left to grow into.  That means it will get us a little bit ...

Ginkgo Tree - IB2DWS - August 2024

Planted in the Fall of 2021, we have a small Ginkgo tree planted IB2DWs - closer to the sidewalk than our house.  This marks the third full growing season and the tree is starting to become something.  It was TINY when it went in.  Not much more than a pencil-thin trunk .  This year, it put on some top growth - so much so that it toppled the support post I had in place.  I subsequently replaced it and wired up the leader to get some top-growth.   Below - you can see the current state of the tree.  About six-feet-tall and getting a few limbs.  All of this without much irrigation.  

Parkway London Planetree In Trouble - August 2024

One not-so-bright-spot in the garden this year is the small London Planetree in our parkway.  I planted it in late 2022 and it has maybe 1/5th the foliage that it had the day it went in the ground .  NOT GOOD.  I did NOT give this tree very much water this year, but once I noticed this thing in decline, I've been watering it daily.  Below is a look at the tree - with a lost leader and some TINY leaves.  Will this pull through?  We need a good Fall season for that to happen:

Zowie Yellow Flame Zinnia - August 2024

I bought and quickly divided a nursery-grown yellow, orange and red Zinnia named Zowie Yellow Flame earlier this season in a spot IB2DWs .  It produced a few early flowers that I clipped off some of the tips in hopes that it would 'bush-out' and get bigger.  The result?  Mixed.  It has certainly been pretty prolific with blooms.  But, it is tall and NOT super wide/fat/bush-like.    Below is what it looks like in late August:  I don't know a ton about collecting Zinnia seeds - specifically what happens with hybrids like this one - but I'm going to dry a couple heads and harvest the seeds.  I'll throw them into a mix and direct-sow them in my sideyard next Spring.   And, maybe I'll even throw some down IB2DWs to fill-in all the blank space over there. 

Weeping Norway Maple - Annual Growth and "Buds" - Late August 2024

Last Fall, I planted a couple of small end-of-season conifer sale Weeping Norway Spruces IB2DWs.  The first one was planted in the legacy bed - closer to the house - and the other one was further down closer to the sidewalk.  Fall Planting seemed to be right for these as they have given me *KNOCK ON WOOD* very little trouble this season.    They came out of the gate with some tiny pink cones this Spring .  And, by late May, they had put on some new growth that required me to 'wire-up' a leader .   One of the things that I noted on these trees was that late Fall - after I had planted them - they started to put on little 'knobs' of growth.  What looked like tightly-clustered, stubby limb-starting-points.   When I watched them put on new growth this Spring, it mostly came from these little knobs.  So, I've begun to learn a little bit about the 'buds' of conifers like this Weeping Norway Maple.  They set buds (kind-of) like their ...