All Gold Japanese Forest Grasses Remerge - First Spring - April 2021

This post is another in the series of documenting the Spring re-emergence of the various plants that I bought at last Fall's Morton Arboretum Plant Sale.  I first shared photos of the trio of Twinkle Toes Lungwort that emerged first in mid-March.  Yesterday, I posted some photos of the Chocoholic Black Snakeroot that has some lovely lacy leaves that are standing on top of purple stems in this first Spring.  

Today, I'm posting a photo (below) about the All Gold Japanese Forest Grasses that I planted in the backyard around the Tree Swing Oak tree.  Formally named Hakonechloa macra "All Gold", there are six of these planted (mostly) in a drift between the tree and the fenceline interplanted with some hostas.

Here's one of them peeking thru the mulch (and the wood chips that I added in late Fall):

In the photo below, you can see where these six are planted - currently mixed in with some of the tulip bulbs that I planted last Fall.

It is hard to tell (exactly) where some of them are, so here, below, is an annotated photo showing the six grasses.  Some of them are (currently) more vigorous than others, so I'll keep an eye on all of them later this Spring:

In the post from last Fall, I said that I bought twelve of these.  So, that means that I have to go looking for the other six of them  which I think are 'in between two driveways'?  

These particular plants were part of my 'dreaming' series where I found an inspiration photo and when I came across them at the sale, I knew I had to buy them.  


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