Pruning Disneyland Roses In Early Spring - March 2023

With the days getting longer and me itching to get outside and work in the yard and garden - but recognizing that it is *still* too early to cleanup, I've been finding tasks that I *can* do.  Now.  Like...pruning shrubs.  I posted about the hydrangeas up front that received a haircut.  Today, I'm showing the before/after of the three Disneyland Roses on the southside of our house.  First...(of course) is the 'before'.  A series of three photos are below that run from west-to-east.  The first is the smallest Disneyland Rose that is closest to our gate.  The last one is the one closest to the front yard (the one by the gas meter).  They all look the same.  Naked and alone.


In past years, I've done a light pruning of these floribunda roses.  This year?  I followed what I did with the Hydrangeas.  And went ham.  A few things to note in the photos below:  First...the leaf litter.  That's from their Winter protection.  Second...there is *some* green.  Third:  I'm not a confident pruner.  

Here (below) are what they look like after the pruning.  

I think the timing (mid/late March) is right for pruning.  But, when I moved back all of the leaf mulch, what do I see near the crown?  New growth.   Eeek!  See below for a few photos of little, tiny green shoots.

My plan was to stay on top of feeding these roses this year starting with an April feeding.  I'll put it on my to-do list starting the first week in April.  In previous years, I've started with May, but I'll try to remember to get a little head start in 2023.  


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