Glengarry Glen Christmas

I was just turned on to this SNL skit by a co-worker where super-host Alec Baldwin reprises his role in a parody of one of my favorite movies GlenGarry Glen Ross.  It is a pretty funny skit, but based on the laughter, it seems that quite a bit of the live audience isn't aware of the parody - as hard as seems.  (BTW...this is one of two movies that Nat ABSOLUTELY hates.  The other is The Last Waltz.  She thinks they're both beyond boring!  I've tried to convince her to give them a second chance...but no luck!)

Back to the sketch.....Sure the audience members laugh at the "Always Be Closing" line - but I think that's because the players like Seth Meyers can't help but giggle.  Maybe I'm wrong?  And...the live audience is smarter/more savvy than I think?  They seem to be laughing at how harsh Baldwin is to the elves and not at the parody?  Overthinking it?  Maybe.

Elf you! Go home and play with your kids!


  1. You'd never seen this?! Among a string of awesome I-can't-believe-he-did-that performances on SNL, this is one of his best. Fun to see it again.

  2. sad to say I had NOT watched it before. Quite good, indeed!


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