Alliums (Bulbs) Popping Up - 2015

Nat's favorite bulb is allium.  Over the years, I've picked up little ones and big ones and planted them in different parts of the beds.  In back, we have a set of the larger ones that create a pathway to our vegetable garden.  They've just started to break through the mulch this week.

Last year, I couldn't figure out what these were until they fully sprouted. that I've been through a season with them, I'm all that much wiser.

We also have some smaller/more delicate allium bulbs in the front by the porch.  I took photos of those back in 2012.  And before that in 2011.

In fact, over the years, I've populated the 'bulbs' tag on the blog with various bulb-related photos.  Check 'em out here.


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