
Showing posts with the label 21 years

21 Years of Blogging - Why I Oughta - Jake Parrillo - February 2025

The twenty-one year mark of me writing this blog came and went without me remembering to recognize the milestone.  Back on February 16, 2024 (a little over a year ago), I marked twenty years of writing online.  Twenty years of being a blogger .   Today, a week late, but, I still think it is worth marking 21 years.  21 years!  Wow.   My blog can now drink.    The past year has been like most of the years before it:  I wrote something everyday.  What some call SUSDAT .   The Blogger CMS is showing that I have more than 5100 published posts over those 21 years.   In those 21 years, I've had: 4 jobs 3 kids 2 houses and I met, fell in love and married to 1 special person. I continue to find joy in publishing here on my own domain.  From my [garden diary] to the occiasional interest-related post to the *very rare* political post, I find that flexing my writing muscles has been (and continues to be) and import...