
Showing posts with the label Palm tree

Horticulture on Disney's Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point - February 2025

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a photo of a tropical, beach-dwelling shrub on Disney's Lookout Cay at Lighthouse Point that had silver foliage and was nestled in amongst a palm tree right on the white-sand beach.   We visited both of Disney's "private islands" recently and some of the early reviews of Lookout Cat at Lighthouse Point had me thinking that we were going to arrive at a 'young' island with lots of 'young' trees, shrubs and plants.  Whereas, Castaway Cay has been established in 1998 - so it is more than 25 years 'old'.   There was some chatter of how it 'was going to take some time for Lookout Cay to grow' and that the plants were all not-established and tiny.   Of the two islands, I enjoyed my time on both.  But...I'm surprised that in hindsight, I think I prefer Lookout Cay over the two - and that's with the horticulture - which *is* very young - in mind.  Below are a few photos showing various shots of trees, sh...

Spiked Dwarf Palm Tree at Old Key West - February 2025

As spotted at Disney Old Key West resort on a quick stop around the resort grounds.  Nice little expressive tree on the banks of the Sassagola River as part of the horticulture program from the team at the Vacation Kingdom.