
Showing posts with the label retaining wall

Pizza Oven Retaining Wall - More Timbers - March 2025

Last I checked-in on the pizza oven ground project, I was dry-fitting the first 6x6 treated (ground-contact) timber that I'll use to retain the earth and (I think) hold in gravel in the middle of the surface.  I spent a little bit of time this past weekend doing more excavation and found time to run to the hardware store to bring home three more 6x6 timbers.   Below, you can see the three timbers (and a pile of bags of gravel) that I'll haul to the backyard in the coming days.  Once back there, I'll use them to make sure I've excavated *enough* earth.  My plan is to dry-fit all of these in the ground, then measure what over-dig still needs to be done that will allow for a foot-or-so of gravel to sit *behind* (earth-side) of the wall.   I'll next update the project once I put all the timbers in and fit.  After that, I'll finalize the excavation, lay down the nonwoven fabric, establish the grade for the first course of timbers with gravel and/or pa...

Pizza Oven Project - Excavation Continues - Dry-Fitting Timber - March 2025

I continue to find small bits of time to excavate and prep the ground in front of the pizza oven slab.  After work, on weekends.  A little bit at a time.  This is #2 on my list of 'priority projects', but that full project also includes weather-proofing the actual oven .  The other part is the hard-surface to stand-on, in-front of the oven.  My (current) thinking is that I'll create an 8x8(ish) area that is edged with landscape timbers.  I'll use a nonwoven geotextile underneath the whole thing and install a couple of timbers as a retaining wall - to help handle the grade change.   Here's my initial excavation post showing some of the dirt removal .   And, just last week, I measured the depth of grade-change at the seven-foot-deep-mark.  About 12" of earth that needs to be held back .  Over the weekend, I picked up one (1) 6x6x8 treated ground-contact landscape timber from the big box lumber store.  It is H E A V Y.  ...

More Than One Foot Deep - Retaining Wall - Pizza Oven Project - March 2025

I've excavated the landing in front of the pizza oven a little bit at a time over the past week-or-so.  I've managed to remove about seven(ish) feet x eight(ish) feet in area.  I'd like to get back to (at least) 8x8.  But, I've also begun to figure out what I'm facing in terms of earth that needs to be held back.  Below, is a photo showing the rear edge of the site - showing about eleven-inches of height at seven-feet-back.  The grade isn't too steep in this spot, so if I take out another foot, I'm guessing this might raise up to one-foot-tall.    Here's the initial excavation post from last week . My plan is to get all of the earth removed so I can start to use the eight-foot timber as guide to find level.  Underneath the wall area, I'll excavate a bit to fill with gravel + paver base.   At 12" tall, I'm dealing with a timber with a 5.5" true height.  Thinking two 6x6's (11 inches) might be enough.  But, that all depends on wh...

Excavation Begins on Pizza Oven Hardscape Landing - Priority 2 (Part One) - March 2025

The weather recently has been doing with late Winter/early Spring does around here:  Move all over the place.  Some 60's and some 30's.  I've been trying to fit in some early garden work during the warmer moments - from clean-up to bed extensions off the pizza oven project for 2025.   I labeled this my #2 priority project earlier this month and talked about getting it 'operational' was my goal :  that means getting it water-tight and getting the hard surface right in front of the oven mud-free - and...presentable.   I am going to first address the hard surface.   This whole project - in the most ideal state - requires A LOT of things - retaining walls, paver patio, covered roof, prep surface and (likely) a bar.  But, for now, I'm looking at what I can get done NOW - this Spring.  And something that is both cost-effective and (at least somewhat) attractive.   There's a 26" drop between the grade of ...

Curved, Short Retaining Wall In The Wild - February 2025

Yesterday, I posted some details of the short, 26" (or so) tall gravity retaining wall that we'll need to build out this Spring in the backyard.  I talked about some of the details need sorting out (type/look of block) and others need to be finalized (straight run, vs. L-shape vs. curved wall).   When I was out running one of the kids to their various activities, I stopped at a signal and noticed a retaining wall on one corner.  Below are a couple of photos.  They show that this wall is curved, includes a 'cap', but also includes a contrasting row of blocks at the top of the wall.    These blocks are smooth (not jagged fronts) and have no bevel on the corners.   That (smooth face) is in contrast to the example photo I posted yesterday .   I see (at the corner) three full blocks above grade and one partially below grade.  Those are (likely) 8" tall blocks, so this wall is 30-inches-or-so tall above grade (8+8+8+3.5+2.5 = 30). T...

Retaining Wall Musings - Pizza Oven Project - February 2025

The pizza oven patio project continues to be a work-in-progress with a number of details that we need to figure out/solve-for before too much time passes, so we can begin the project when the weather breaks. Back in January, I posted this 'notebook' post - where I ran through a number of decisions/items that need to be sorted and came out with these three lists. First, the list of 'elements' or component-projects inside the larger project: 1. The floor 2. A retaining wall 3. Stairs from patio 4. Roof Structure (with piers) 5. Prep Counter/bar-top 6. Utilities 7. Landscaping 8. Oven doghouse, landing and veneer Second, I put together a series of 'prep-work decisions' that need to be made: 1. Figure out utilities. Primarily electric. where they go, how they get there. in 2. Figure out 'level' for the floor and base of retaining wall. That requires decision on material. 2 depths - sunken prep area. 3. Wall details: placement, material, siz...