Pizza Oven Retaining Wall - More Timbers - March 2025

Last I checked-in on the pizza oven ground project, I was dry-fitting the first 6x6 treated (ground-contact) timber that I'll use to retain the earth and (I think) hold in gravel in the middle of the surface. I spent a little bit of time this past weekend doing more excavation and found time to run to the hardware store to bring home three more 6x6 timbers. Below, you can see the three timbers (and a pile of bags of gravel) that I'll haul to the backyard in the coming days. Once back there, I'll use them to make sure I've excavated *enough* earth. My plan is to dry-fit all of these in the ground, then measure what over-dig still needs to be done that will allow for a foot-or-so of gravel to sit *behind* (earth-side) of the wall. I'll next update the project once I put all the timbers in and fit. After that, I'll finalize the excavation, lay down the nonwoven fabric, establish the grade for the first course of timbers with gravel and/or pa...