Partial Fingerling Potato Harvest - 2016

Back in May, we planted two varieties of fingerling potatoes:  Magic Molly (the purple ones) and French.  I showed some of the very pretty flowers that the tubers threw off this year here.  Each of the girls took one of the varieties and we worked together to get them planted.  We cut the seed potatoes into segments and because we're not in our own house, we decided to plant them in containers on the driveway.  

Well...mostly in containers.

The Babe also planted some of hers in my sister's raised beds.  We didn't harvest those, but we did, indeed, harvest the ones in the containers/bags on the driveway.  That's what you see in the photo above:  our partial harvest.  There's a bit more than 50 total spuds of different sizes now sitting in this bucket in our cellar basement awaiting their time in the oven this coming week.    The harvest is A LOT smaller than the one I last had in 2013.  Next year, we'll hopefully be in a position to install some of our own raised beds and maybe we'll give it a try again?  The timing might not be right, but by the Spring of 2018, I'm thinking that I'll be looking for a project and raised beds will be at the top of my list.


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