Jeff Tweedy at the Abbey

Yesterday afternoon, I cut out of work early (I left my desk...) and Maisy and I headed downtown to meet up with Nat. We were all set to head to the Jeff Twedy Show at the Abbey Pub. Good times, right? Turned out great! Well, I got there a bit early and Nat hadn't gotten home from work yet, so me and Maisy ran over to Barker and Meowsky for a new sweater and she dug it. It's a pinch big, but hopefully she'll 'grow' into it. (She's turning into a bit of a 'fatty arbuckle' as it is!!)

We got back and Natalie was home. Outsmarting ourselves, we thought, 'Hey! Let's just get chow at the Abbey instead of SoupBox or Tomatohead. Irish Nachos and Ruebens and such. Well, as we're walking up to the Abbey, sure as shit, we run into Jeff Tweedy, his wife Sue Miller, their 2 boys, what appeared to be one of Jeff's cronies/guitar techs/friends, and a hot nanny. Jeff was carrying 2 clamshell carryout styrofoam containers and the kids weren't happy about having to head home with the Nanny.

Natalie says, "Oh shit, there he is. That's Jeff Tweedy!"

Jake: "ahhhhhh" **starring starry-eyed***

We didn't say anything to him but we stared at him and he gave a a glance back and big smile. No cameras, no pictures, but definately pretty cool moment. We didn't want to say anything because of the kids and wife and such, but we probably should have. Something like 'Break a leg' or something else just as dumb.

After was saw him, we got all gushy and ran into the pub. It was packed. We noshed on some chicken fingers, drank a few Blue Moons and Diet Cokes, then mosied on into the hall.

Small place. Lots of Jagoffs for some reason. Determined not to let them ruin our night, Nat and I danced, swayed, and sang to our hearts content with our boy-hero Jeff Tweedy leading the way. Tweedy was in rare form last night with his banter. Some of the aforementioned jagoffs went too far, but Tweedy came right back at them.

He threw down a new Loose Fur song about Jesus 'smoking crack' which was a highlight and played 'Airline to Heaven' among others.

Here's Tony's brief take and some pics. We hooked up with him in the bar pre-show.


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