I’m Lovin’ It

hamburglar.gifI have a confession. I've been going to McDonald's. Yup. Guilty. I'm apparently not alone. The Sun-Times Ted Pinkus writes that McDonald's profits are soaring and has widened its lead as the world's largest restaurant network with an all-time high market cap of $60 billion, vs. $17 billion for Yum! Brands, $3.52 billion for Burger King and $3.18 billion for Wendy's. Natalie's hooked, too. No, we're not scarfing down Big Mac's and Fries, but we're there a few mornings a week picking up iced coffees and yogurt parfaits for her and the BIG 42 oz soda for me.

The article speaks to the methods in which McDonald's has really spread out it's offerings and they've done things to appeal to folks like Natalie and I. The drive through also helps, as our Starbucks doesn't have one. I'm not going to go out to McDonald's for lunch anytime soon, but they've filled a nice niche in our eating lives. Kudos to them for figuring that out.


  1. if only the coloma mcd's had iced coffee! it is so good.

  2. I'd eat the steak egg and cheese bagel for every meal... if I didn't fear the near certain death that would likely follow. though i do feel my recent double cheeseburger binge is directly linked to their market cap now topping $61bil

  3. What, no Sausage McMuffin With Egg? Wuss...


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