
You can even use them on sneakers!

I saw....rather HEARD this tv spot a few days ago.  I was minding my own business with my nose in my computer when I heard his voice.  I had to look up!  Too funny not to share. (for those of you reading this via email, you should click through to watch the video below)

Anything Gilbert Gottfried is selling gets my attention!  In all seriousness, I think the Shoedini has now been added to my Christmas list.  Kind of an awesome product.


  1. Anything Gilbert Gottfried is selling gets my attention!

    I totally agree! I've heard this commercial too. Like you, I was only listening and I *had* to go and look to see what he was selling! Can't say you're ready for the shoedini yet tho... Hopefully, you haven't given up on bending over!


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