4 Months Old Today

Guess who turns four months old today?!?  The Babe is happy we're celebrating, but she's concerned that you might take her giraffe away, though.  Look at those brows!

The Babe is getting to be such a big girl.  I couldn't be a prouder dad.  However, I'm even more proud as a husband.  The last four months have been challenging, but I've experienced NOTHING compared to what Nat has gone through.  And...she's done it with an amazing level grace and patience that I am simply in awe of.

I do my best to be a part of my daughter's life and we spend countless hours together.  However, Nat is really the one doing the hard work.  She's there when the Babe wakes up, there when she goes to sleep and is there (really there!) every time she's hungry.   She could NOT be a better mom. The development I've seen in the Babe's physical and mental acumen are directly attributable to all of Nat's dedication and effort.   She's the one reading the books about sleep patterns.  She's the one researching the toys.  She's taken to parenting with startling ease.  It has taken me all of the four months to get adjusted - and I'm not fully there - but she was on top of things after 2 hours.

I feel extraordinarily fortunate to have the Babe in my life.  I know I'm even more fortunate to have Nat in my life.


  1. She is very lucky to have a daddy who loves her so much, who is so interested in her future and who can spend so much time with her. I'm pretty lucky, too. We love you!


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