Transplanting our Lily of the Valley

When we bought our house, a mean, unhappy woman was living there.  She lives in our neighborhood still and we see her driving by slowly from time-to-time.  I have a feeling that she doesn't really care much for what we "did" to her house. 

After we had our house inspection, we were set to close the deal.  A few days before the closing, we drove by the house and saw the evil woman frantically digging up EVERY SINGLE PLANT that was in the ground.  She eviserated the flower beds and took every hosta, tulip bulb and anything green and growing, she ripped out.  

She was probably smiling the whole time she was ripping out her plants thinking that us two young people who bought her house were NEVER going to get her flowers.

Unfortunately for her, she was wrong!  Although we didn't see much action last year, I am pleased to report that we have a bunch of hostas that came up this Spring in some of the beds that were devastated when she tore the place up.

And even better, we have TONS of Lily of the Valley popping up next to the old patio.  Take that, lady!
As part of the garage preparation, I got dirty and dug up as many of the plants as I could (those are them in the photo above).   I shared quite a few with Nat's mom, my mom, my sister(s) and my neighbors.  We also kept a significant number.  They'll find a home once we get the garage, patio, pavilion and walkway(s) done. 

They're quite a pretty little plant that grows fast and in the shade.  Perfect for us.  You can see what they'll look like here.  


  1. I love lily of the valley! But I did hear they are quite toxic.


    although... i'm sure you've already looked this up. :/

  3. ps-i have lily of the valley in my flower beds. the cats never bother it. i would guess that it's subject to being munched when you bring the cut flowers and leaves into your home. jmo


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