Across the Street: Backyard Ice Rink

Although this photo is terrible (I'd have a short career as a spy photographer, eh?), you can *sorta* make out the ice rink that the folks right across the street had set up in their backyard.  (See it there?  In the backyard of the white house on the left?  It is that white thing....)

Earlier last week, a truck showed up in the street that had something like"Supreme Sports" on the side of the truck and trailer.  After a bit of research, I learned that they install temporary ice rinks.  The guy across the street rocks A LOT of Blackhawks jerseys, so I knew he was a fan.  But a rink?  That's pretty rad.  I actually squeeled with delight once I put the puzzle together:  they were getting a neighborhood rink!

Too bad I can't skate.  Or else I'd be having Nat whip up a batch of muffins or something so I can go play with the kids!


  1. Just got mine setup. First time.

    Please don't squeal.

  2. That's pretty awesome. Hopefully we'll get the weather that will make it VERY useable!


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