Lou Malnati's Sweet Vinaigrette Salad Dressing

**NOTE**  If you're looking to make your own version of this dressing, you should check out the recipe I posted back here:  Lou Malnati's Salad Dressing Recipe.

Last week, I was in the Elmhurst Lou Malnati's picking up a pie and noticed that they're NOW selling a bottled version of their salad dressing they've called "Lou Malnati's Sweet Vinaigrette".    That's the second consumer packaged good they have in their take-out shops - with the first being Lou Malnati's Tomatoes.    They sell it in 16 oz jars.

I didn't catch a price, but I did catch a photo of the ingredient list.
Hmmm...comparing that to the Lou Malnati's salad dressing recipe, it seems that there are a few differences.  First, the bottled dressing uses corn oil (listed first) and olive oil (listed way down), while the recipe posted in the Tribune back 40+ years uses olive oil.  The bottled dressing also has mustard, "natural flavors" and a few different preservatives (Delta Lactone?) which I presume are necessary to make this stuff shelf-stable.

In a pinch, I think the store-bought stuff would be great, but if you have the time, why wouldn't you make your own?


  1. Hey, Jake: Any success in de-constructing the Lou Sweet Vinegarette Dressing recipe? DAB513


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