New Wood-Fired Pizza in Elmhurst at Rosalia's Deli

Over the weekend, we took the Babe out in her stroller and went for a walk to get some air.  Somehow, we ended up checking out a new place on York Street named Rosalia's Deli.

Rosalia's is an annex Angelo's Ristorante - a long time fixture in Elmhurst which recently underwent a facelift.  The exterior of the place looks great and I, for one, welcome the addition of an Italian deli literally in my backyard.

When you walk in, you have a pretty standard Italian deli with breads, cheeses, a big counter full of meats and prepared items as well as a handful of oils and other Italian specialty items.  I wasn't all that impressed with the breadth of their offerings, but it is a small place AND it is just getting started.  I suppose just about everything will pale in comparison to Angelo Caputo's, right?

But...when you look to the left - to the part of the store that is connected to Angelo's Ristorante - what do you see?

This beauty.  A custom-built wood-fired pizza oven.
I spent a good five minutes watching the pizziola put together pies, and while I wasn't all that impressed by his skills, the investment in the oven alone makes me think that they're going to be serious about their pizzas - even if the employee on the stick on the day we went wasn't perfect.

They offer a handful of pies - just 5 - but it seems there's something there for everyone. 
We didn't eat a pie while we were there, but I'll be back.  There isn't a lot of seating - just two little cafe tables, so it might end up being just me and the Babe for another pizza date like we had at Pizza Palace.


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