Pre-Blossom Kwanzan Cherry Tree - 2019

I snapped this photo of the freshly burst free leaves from our Kwanzan Flowering Cherry Tree a couple of weeks ago, so the {post-date} on this post is a little inaccurate.   So let's call this May 2nd or so in terms of usefulness in the [garden diary] purposes.   This photo is going up almost a week after I shared the same Kwanzan Cherry trees in bloom down in St. Louis.  That post is here.    

The tree still has not bloomed, but once it does, I'll grab some photos and add them to the [garden diary] post over on Should be any day now based on a May 21st bloom in 2018.  

We have a few other flowering trees in our yard, but there are a few on my radar to acquire including an Eastern Redbud tree - maybe a multi-trunk variety (??) and maybe another flowering Cherry.  I think I saw a Yoshino Cherry at Home Depot on one of our trips.  Maybe it will come home with us.


  1. How are your Frans Fontaines doing? We have 3 of them and I love those trees!


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