Milorganite Spill Lawn Burn - Don't Believe the Non-Burning Hype

I thought this stuff was non-burning?  I'm certain that this is the location of the broadcast spreader when I was loading my bags of Milorganite before the 4th of July.  I would normally not load on the grass, but the whole "non-burning" promise of Milorganite made me believe that it would be fine.  If you look closely, you'll see some black bits laying around. 

I've learned my lesson with Milorganite.  Don't believe the label when it says non-burning.

Here's a very close-up of the same spot:

See the Milorganite in there?  Turns *might* burn your lawn and if you put down too much in one spot... it WILL BURN YOUR LAWN. 


  1. Same thing happened to me and I thought it was non burning. I tried to water as much as I can thinking maybe it just didn’t get watered enough but yet it’s still burnt


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