Lawn Equipment: Groundskeeper II Thatch Rake

Over the years, I've done a few [Christmas Haul] posts that show off some of the things that people have gifted me for the yard and garage and shop.  This year, my first "haul" post (despite not being labeled that in the title) was this heated bird bath post from my mother-in-law.  Today, is another gift, but from my Sister-in-Law:  this rake called "The Groundskeeper II".

I came across it on someone in the lawn care community YouTube channel (wish I could remember who it was?  But, just search [Groundskeeper II rake] on YT and you'll find plenty of review posts).

What is it? It is a rake.  Yep.  A rake.  But, it is a thatch rake.  And it is unique in design.  Here (below) is the rake laying in the ground in our yard.  You can see that I pulled up a little dead grass in the photo, too.  

The Groundskeeper II has a couple of stickers on the handle that talk up the value prop of the tool:

1.  Easy on your back. 

2.  Self-cleaning.

3.  Replaceable tines. 

Those are all pretty great.  Easy to use (easy on the back).  Doesn't get bogged down in material.  And if you snap off a tine, you can replace it and keep going. 

Here's a look at the tines after I had done a section the grass that had a bunch of tiny leaves in it.  It was easy to work with and pulled these leaves out with ease.

As for thatch...I spent no more than 30 seconds raking a small section of the yard and guess what?  It did a bang-up job.  Look at that pile of thatch.  From a 2' x 2' section. 

I'll put the rake through it's proper paces this Spring - once the grass gets growing - and will de-thatch a few spots in the front parkway to see if I can improve the turf. 

But, what to do with the thatch?  Compost?  Is it a green?  A brown?  I would think that it is mostly decomposed and thus...a brown, right? 


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