21 Years of Blogging - Why I Oughta - Jake Parrillo - February 2025
The twenty-one year mark of me writing this blog came and went without me remembering to recognize the milestone. Back on February 16, 2024 (a little over a year ago), I marked twenty years of writing online. Twenty years of being a blogger.
The past year has been like most of the years before it: I wrote something everyday. What some call SUSDAT.
The Blogger CMS is showing that I have more than 5100 published posts over those 21 years.
In those 21 years, I've had:
4 jobs3 kids
2 houses
and I met, fell in love and married to 1 special person.
I continue to find joy in publishing here on my own domain. From my [garden diary] to the occiasional interest-related post to the *very rare* political post, I find that flexing my writing muscles has been (and continues to be) and important outlet for my own personal growth. I've mostly - if not totally - ignored the social media content creation cycle. And, have stuck to creating content here on the Web. That decision - is part vanity and part statement.
When will I not need to post here? Probably when I stop enjoying the process. The writing process that takes me from idea to output. When that process stops making me think and bring me joy, I'll probably stop putting these posts up online. But, until then...you can find me here, on my own blog.
Here's a look back at some of my 'anniversary' posts over the years:
2025 - 21 years of blogging. Posted a week late.2024 - 20 years of blogging. Two decades.2023 - 19 years of blogging.2022 - No Anniversary post, but 4K posts published2021 - 17 year Blogging Anniversary2020 - 16 year Blogging Anniversary2019 - 15 year Blogging Anniversary2016 - 12 year Blogging Anniversary2014 - 10 year Blogging Anniversary2013 - 9 year Blogging Anniversary2011 - 7 year Blogging Anniversary
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