Edelman's B2B Marketing Blog And Eating Our Own Dog Food

As recently as July of this year, I posted about some #client work for the Mitsubishi Regional Jet my team has been doing at Edelman in our B2B Marketing practice.  Back in February, I shared some other client work here on the blog.  Those two examples give you a sense for the types of things we're doing at Edelman, but one thing that always struck me was:  we weren't eating our own dog food.

I mean...we build really great communications marketing campaigns for our clients, but we don't market our own practice in any way.  So, with the combined effort of a bunch of folks at Edelman, we decided to change that by launching our own content hub.

It is *just* getting started, but that's the key part:  starting.  There is so much inertia against moving on something like this that it has taken the better part of six months to get to this point.  We're using a marketing automation tool that we often-times use for our client projects.

Our team is growing and we're being recognized for our efforts - we recently were awarded "Integrated B2B Marketing Campaign of the Year" by the ANA and BMA.

You can find the beta site here.  This will evolve and change over time.  While you're there, sign up for our email updates.  One note:  It *is* gross that we're calling it our 'blog' and that it doesn't have a name.  That will change.

My contribution to date has been a weekly recap of interesting articles and tools that impact our b2b marketing work.    I've also created an author profile which you can find here.

There's plenty more to come


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