Bird Visitor Log: House Sparrow

Back a few weeks ago, I posted a photo of a Red-Bellied Woodpecker that had visited us on our suet feeder as the first documented bird since I was gifted the Field Guide to Birds of Illinois by Nat and the kids for Christmas.  When I posted that, I also created a new tag here on the blog [Bird Visitor Log].  That's now a *thing* here on the blog.  And this, becomes the second entry.

I snapped that photo above through the kitchen windows (and screens) of what I'm pretty sure is a House Sparrow perched on our feeder.  According to the Field Guide (which you can see below), this is the #1 bird to get to your feeders.  So, that fact coupled with the feathers/patterns/colors make think that we're checking the "House Sparrow" box.

From the entry in the book:  "When you put up a new bird feeder, there's a very good chance that the first bird to attend with be a House Sparrow."

Turns out, it was introduced to North America from Europe in the mid-1800's and sounds like it isn't all that awesome in that the House Sparrow has adapted well and competes for nest sites in bird houses/other cavities with much more desirable birds like Martins, Bluebirds and Woodpeckers.    We're expecting to build out a few birdhouses this Spring, so we'll have to keep watch to see if the House Sparrow occupies them.


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