Year in Review-- Biggest Story in Chicago

Doing an entire 'Year in Review' would be daunting, as I can't quite remember what happened 6 weeks ago, let a lone 6 months ago, but what I can do is tell all you--my loyal readers--what I think was/is the biggest story of 2005 in and around Chicago.

....Drum roll please...........

The Biggest story in 2005 was the City of Chicago's 'about-face' on live, outdoor music in the City's parks. What? Live music as the biggest story of the year?!? WTF, Parrillo?!? What about the 'Drought of '05', or the White Sox, or Hired Truck, or Marshall Field's closing?

Well...those are all good stories. They're all qualified for 'Biggest Story of the Year', but they don't have the same impact to me as the City's Leaders embracing live music.

I wrote about it back in July when both Lollapaloza and Intonation were put on to rave reviews, despite the repressive heat.

Dunno if you realize what is happening here. We just went from the greatest city in the world who shuns from producing cutting edge, tourist drawing rock shows, to the greatest city in the world who has embraced live music and all the good stuff that comes with it including fans, tourists, and out-of-town dollars. With the Chicago Park District opening their arms to shows, expect next summer to be a good one. (just don't go to the Clear Channel-programmed 'Northerly Island Pavillion'. It's bound to suck, just like Clear Channel.)


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