Blawgers Getting Their Due

In today's Denver Post, Greg Griffin covers the topic of 'blawgs' and their growth among laywers.
For many lawyers, blogs are a natural way to stay abreast of an ever-changing legal landscape - and to set themselves apart as experts in their domain. Increasingly, law firms see blogs as a key marketing tool that's far more dynamic than the traditional website and newsletter.
Attorneys are grabbing ahold of the medium and pusing their profession forward with their use of blogging. (as a side note, I pitched Cross' law firm on the notion of publishing a blog called "Trust me I'm a Lawyer", but George and Dave didn't bite...)

At FeedBurner, we have a good share of some of the best 'blawgs' on the web coursing through our service. Check out Dennis Kennedy's blog,Denise Howell, Stephen Nipper, Between Lawyers, Ernie the Attorney,ABA's webmaster Fred Faulkner and FeedBurner's very own Rick Klau for some over the very best 'blawgs' out there. (in fact, Rick was an early 'blawger' - although he doesn't write about law much these days.

About a year ago, Rick Klau invited me to an event at the Cataylst Ranchwhere we ate great potstickers and discussed 'blawgers' and other cool things. It was a great event and as the ABA Tech Show is less than a month away, it got some of us at FeedBurner thinking about what we can do to help the publishers of 'blawgs'.

Brad Feld got all of us thinking about 'blawg'-focused Feed Flare.

Brad's idea was to add a Flare that would 'add a disclaimer' on each post that would be a small 'bio' link that would list the firm where the blawger is an attorney. That's a great start, but I'm sure there's bound to be more ideas. What about adding a Flare that would link back to the lawyer's latest publication?

I'm sure that Rick has more ideas for 'blawg'-focused Flare.


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