Oprah Studio - and the House Supplied Kleenex

A few weeks back I was over at Harpo Studios talking all things Google with the production team and art department.  We have a few things moving forward - including Oprah using Google Earth for all broadcast maps now - and a few other things up in the air (fun things)!

I was there with a fellow Googler and we both got a short tour of the studio.  Here's us below.

The one thing that isn't in this photo - and hard not to discuss - is that each seat in the studio comes with house-supplied kleenex. So you don't have to worry that when Oprah plays with your heart-strings, they have you covered from a clean-up perspective.


  1. So how many Kleenax did you end up using?? Was it when she asked you to talk about your childhood or the time you saw Tweedy solo that started the waterworks for you?

  2. zinger! I figured with all this blog nonsense, a post on oprah would fit right in!

    Where's the smelt fishing!


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