Silverado Grill - Elmhurst

On Saturday night, Nat, the babe and I packed into the family truckster and went out into the night to find a place to grab a meal.  We headed south towards Oak Brook and began to call a few places.  Not one but 7 places we called had waits of longer than an hour.  Some had waits as long as 3 hours!  It was 6:30, so in the 'burbs, that is prime dinner time.

We used to be 8 or 8:30 dinner folks, but not any more.  Now we're competing with every Chad and Michelle and their 4 kids in the western suburbs for a table at Maggiano's.

After driving across town and back for an hour, we headed back to Elmhurst settling on grabbing a pie at Pizza Palace in downtown.  We called ahead and they had plenty of tables open.  But, as luck would have it, we took a different route home and passed by a place called the Silverado Grill.  I had heard "things" about the Grill, so we popped in.  When we got there, there was a couple waiting for a table, but the restaurant had open ones.  Turns out, they're regulars and were just waiting for a table to open in their preferred waitress' section.   It is that type of place.

The place is just my speed.  It could only get better if they offered peanuts and popcorn at the tables like the Country House does, but the decor/feel/vibe of this place works for me.  Low key, not low class.   We both had house salads - which came in wood bowls (Nat likes that!).   I had a pot roast sandwich - which came with carmelized onions, cheddar and horseradish sauce.  Nat had a wrap.  She wasn't that thrilled with her order, but I loved mine.   They also have Shiner and Lone Star beers in bottles - which is nice.

We've been in Elmhurst for over a year and we have yet to find a place that we could go regularly.  We're close with Seven Ten, but the waitstaff is young and inconsistent.  Barnaby's is too far away to go often.  Francesca's is too expensive.

Jack's Silverado Grill might fit the bill nicely.  We'll be back to put it through it's proper paces again.  That's for sure.


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