French Pussy Willow - How Big Will it Get?

I was out at my favorite place (Menards) this weekend and wandered out into garden center to see what was doin' with the plants and flowers and I came across a 5# container that had a smallish French Pussy Willow for $19.99.   The proper binomial nomenclature (genus species) is Salix Caprea. 

From time-to-time Nat has and pussy willow branches around the house in vases and such, so I assumed that she was into them.  I snapped a photo of this one when I was in the store and sent off a quick email dispatch to her to see if we should buy it and (unfortunately) she was busy doing wedding-planning for one of her clients so she didn't respond until later in the day.  She wants one!

At some point this week, I'll try to head back there and snatch one up before they're all gone. 

Based on the photos here on Google Images, it seems that this thing might be pretty big and as stated on the tag should be classified as a tree.    It seems that it is a fast grower and fairly hardy - which is a perfect fit for this Mr. Brownthumb.    Anyone going to the Menards on North Ave in Lombard today or tomorrow?  If so, want to pick one of these up for me?   Please?!?!


  1. Yes, we have one we bought about 3 years ago! She is quite tall now and lovely! I'd say about 10 feet or so! First year the Japanese beetles grazed her so bad I thought they might kill her! But she survived and is now a great looking speciman. Catkins come out in very early spring but this was the first year we had any! Did you plant it and if so how big is yours? Thanks!


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