Pazzi Di Pizza - Elmhurst - Coming Soon to Downtown Elmhurst

Well, Well, Well.  What do we have here.  According to a tip from one of my pizza spies - Equation Boy/Man - Downtown Elmhurst will be graced with a second wood-fired pizza oven.  Joining Rosalia's Deli wood-fired oven on North York Street, it appears that a place named Pazzi di Pizza is opening on the other end of York at 105 S. York Street - right next to Cafe Amano's building.  It is taking the place of the shuttered Wine & Vine and appears (see the map below) that there will be outdoor seating.

Link to the Pazzi di Pizza website that I screen-shot above:  Here.

This wood-fired craze has been lighting up the pizza scene across the country with new ovens popping up left and right.  Interesting to see the trend hit home right here in Elmhurst.  The return to this bare-bones pizza shop - where the glowing oven is front and center - is good for the pizza business and good for consumers.  I don't know the breakdown of pizza consumed out of the house vs. inside the house.  One thing is for sure, these Neapolitan pies are meant to be eaten very fast and don't travel well and that means that (hopefully) more people will be dining out and engaging with their neighbors/friends and other businesses in the area.  These are all great things.  However, the question I have for our area is:  how many pizza choices can one area support?  Not counting places that are outside of the immediate Downtown area, the current roster of pizza joints in Downtown include:  Armands, Pizza Palace, Two Brothers, Rosalias (Angelo's), and now Pazzi di Pizza.   Five places plus Fitz's lanes - which serves pizzas, too.  Good for pizza fanatics like me, but too much of a good thing?

Here's the location below.  See the outdoor seating to the south (bottom) of the building?  I'm thinking that Pazzi di Pizza will be utilizing the space just like Wine & Vine did before them.

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  1. That particular spot in Elmhurst has had several businesses come through it. Some says it's jinxed.

  2. Just what Elmhurst needs. Yet another pizza place. I was a big fan of Wine & Vine so I can't say I am happy about another pizza restaurant. I think I can count five or six other pizza places all in walking distance.

  3. I'm thinking we need a pizza festival. Embrace the over--abundance of pizza joints with a celebration of pies!

  4. we went there last night, pizza was good, but really, ANOTHER pizza/Italian place? we need more variety!!


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