Kurt Carlson Dental Moves in - Downtown Elmhurst

No offense to Dr. Carlson, but I have to say that I'm pretty disappointed.  Over a year ago, I wrote about this beautiful storefront and the opportunity it held.  Instead of more retail - which Downtown Elmhurst desperately needs, we get another dentist.  It appears that Dr. Carlson runs a very professional operation - based solely on the awnings - so I wish him well.  And, I suppose that his practice will create some foot traffic, but there are only so many ground-floor openings on Addison Street and those need to be used for retail or restaurants.  Offices *should* be upstairs on second floors.


  1. He actually just moved down the street. His office is now in that building that's being torn down. Still a bummer, though. It was a really sweet space.

  2. Someone needs to put a choo choo restaurant near the tracks!!!


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