#TBT To Me in Kindergarten

We were at my folk's house over the weekend where the kids helped add all the ornaments to Noonie's Christmas tree and help set up Papa's Lionel Christmas Train.  One of the ornaments that the girls brought to my attention was this one above:  me in Kindergarten from 1983.  Lots of blonde hair in my bowl cut....what a dude!  I have the sneaking suspicion that the King of the Ball Tossers is going to look an awfully lot like this in just a few short years.  (Hopefully, with half Nat's genes in him, he'll be a lot cuter, smarter and kinder than his old man!  And...if I'm hoping, I might as well hope for a punter, too, right??)

As for my Dad's Christmas Train:  Since we're staying at Equation Boy/Man's house, we haven't set up our train for a few years and with my parents moving into their new place with a HUGE basement, my Dad had designs on a new layout for this year's holiday season.  I went to one of our storage units and climbed on top of things to get all the way to the back to find some boxes marked 'trains'.  I found a few and brought them over to my folks' place.  Unfortunately for us, after we went to Home Depot to buy some boards and sawhorses to set the layout up on, we discovered that his legacy track (from the past 50 years) can't be found (might have been sold in their estate sale!) and my Lionel Fasttrack is still in my storage unit.  Back I go climbing on our stuff to try to find and extract a few more boxes with track in them.  And the layout will have to wait until another day.  Since this is a Christmas Train, it has a very short shelf-life.  Thus, every day we miss is precious.


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