366 Posts in 2016

One of the things that I failed to do as we crossed into the new year was to look back at the #everyday pledge of posting something here on my diary online.  For the past few years (starting in 2010), as one of my New Year's Resolutions, I worked to write something (as Neil Steinberg calls it) #everygoddamnday and flex my writing muscles while documenting the people, places and things in my orbit.

I've hit 365 posts a few years:  2010, 2011 and 2015.  I was just short in 2012 and in 2014, I wrote a ton of posts elsewhere, but not here on the main blog.

But last year?  I had 366 posts.  Yep.  Most posts ever.  And that's because it was a leap year.  I also wrote 80 posts on our family blog and countless links over at my link blog.

But, one of my other resolutions sat there on the shelf:  my mobile app idea has kind of been on the backburner, but I'm doubling down on making it real this year again.

So far, in 2017, I'm off to a good start and that's even with taking a little time off to ring in the new year with the Mouse and others.  I'm going to do my best to keep up writing *something* everyday to keep my idea muscle from atrophying.    


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