New Tree: Weeping Cedar Planted - 2018

Eeek!  On a total whim, I bought this seemingly scrawny tree.  You can see it in the photo above and it doesn't look like much.  But, it *is* something!  And that something is: a weeping Himalayan Cedar 'Emerald Falls' tree.  And it wasn't in the price range of my normal Menards trees.  Nope.  This one cost $69.99.  And, right now, it isn't much to look at, I know.

I bought it at Home Depot in Oak Brook and here's the tag that came on it:

And here's a look at it in our garage before I planted it.

In the photo above, you can see that the lead was starting to outgrow it's existing bamboo pole, so if you look in the very top photo, you can see that I subsidized it with a larger, 8' bamboo pole and then proceeded to tie the lead up in various places to keep it running vertical.

So, why this tree on a whim?  Welp, it isn't totally a whim.  If you've been reading along at home, you might have peep'd this post from last fall when I was dreaming about a weeping cedar tree.  Just go look at that post and look at the photo of a mature weeper.  Beautiful, right?

I planted this tree in the newly created bed along the south fence line.  You can see it from our patio and as it matures, will grow into a feature point.  This wasn't part of our landscape plan, but, the plan isn't a manual, right?  Moreso I'm considering it a guide map for what should/could go where. 

Most importantly, this is the first evergreen tree that we planted in the yard - which seems like a big miss in terms of planting, but I've always been drawn to deciduous trees as my primary fascination.  That means, our yard has been lacking in winter interest, but this should begin to change that a bit. 


  1. I know this is an old post but I wonder if you discovered by now that true Cedars - Cedrus are zone 7, zone 6 is pushing it. Your first post about weeping 'cedars' is actually a Chamaecyparis nookatensis pendula and is great for zone 5. You can get the narrow version - 'Green Arrow' and there's a variegated yellow-green called Sparkling Arrow. I got it from

    1. Appreciate the tip. Good to know. Sparkling Arrow looks great. As for this tree....Welp...whatever *this* tree was (perhaps it was, indeed a cedar?) didn't make it through that first Winter. It brown'd out and never came back.


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