Ostrich Fern Clump In Late Winter/Early Spring?

I was out back cleaning up some things and I came across this clump of plant life that was sticking out of the ground.  I was about to step on it when I noticed it amongst a bunch of leaves and what I think is leaf mold.  In looking at it, I'm pretty sure it is a clump of pre-furl'd fern fronds.  This clump is all the way in the back of the property close to where the kids climb a tree.  When climbing there, they also stomp around on plants and things, so I'm going to mark this with a stick or something to keep the kids away from it when the weather warms up.

What makes me unsure if this is a fern is the location.  I planted a whole bunch of stuff that we took out of my sister-in-law's lot before she tore her house down.  One of those items was a big fern that I transplanted that seemed to take last year, but that was on the other side of the lot.

I'll keep an eye on this to see if I'm correct and this is, indeed a fern clump.  This is an area of deep shade, so ferns would do well back there and knowing how Ostrich Ferns spread pretty rapidly, I'm hopeful that we can get some of these to help drown out the weeds that seem to pop up in this area.


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