12 Steaming Yards of Hardwood Fine Mulch Delivered - Spring 2020

Recently, we had twelve steaming yards of hardwood fines mulch delivered to our driveway from Best Firewood and Mulch - the same folks who deliver our firewood.  That's the delivery in the video at the top of this post showing the driver doing a little bit of 'jiggling' with his lifted bed to get all of the mulch to drop. 

Nine years ago, I posted a similar video of ten yards of mulch that was dropped on our old driveway.  You can watch that video here.  This new mulch is destined for the beds that I pointed out in my recent garden tour post and will fill in the spots between the front (where we're doing the cocoa bean hull mulch) and the far back (where I've been doing the wood chips from the Village).

I have a seven cubic yard cart (wheelbarrow...but not a traditional wheelbarrow).  There are 27 cubic feet in a yard.  Let's figure that it takes four carts to get that yard.  Twelve x four per yard = 48 carts lugged into the back and side yard.  There are some areas of net-new beds that I haven't mulched before, so this pile might not go as far as I was thinking, but I'm hopeful that I'll get both 'sides' of the yard done and southside of the house.

I haven't done this kind of mulch in a number of years as I've been outsourcing it to landscapers.  However...with the advent of social distancing, one thing that I have plenty of is: time.  That means time to scoop and spread mulch.

That will leave the far back, the northside and the front of the house.  I'll fix the far back with even more chips.  The front with some bagged mulch imported from Wisconsin, and the northside...after we do the boardwalk, I think we'll have to figure something out with locally-sourced bagged mulch.

Once I get some of these new beds - including the gap area in Priority Area #2 between the Oak tree with our swing and the fence - I'll post a photo or two.


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