A Few Transplanted Hostas - Under Hornbeams - May 2020

The hostas that are emerging from the mulch in the blue circles are ones that I've planted over the past few seasons.  They were taken from other parts of the yard, divided and planted in this bed.  I have nine blue circles, but I think that there are 11 current hostas with a couple of them being just 'tips'.

The two hostas in red circles are non-variegated hostas that I dug up from around the kitchen window, divided and transplanted here.  These are some of the 'teardown hostas' that I've posted about over the years including when they flowered last year.   If I get around to it, I'm going to dig up another bunch to split and transplant further back in the bed - along the fence - like the two current transplants.  I think a blend of different color hostas would look nice filling in this area below the trees.

I also transplanted some of these hostas around the tree swing Oak tree - and I'll post about that tomorrow but the most critical part of this is in reference to "Priority Area #2" from earlier this year.  In that post, I talked about improving this area by:

  • adding some additional hostas underneath the hornbeams
  • adding some additional hostas around the Chanticleer Pear and the large Oak tree
  • transplanting some Ostrich Ferns
  • Adding viburnum to the background
I'm checking the box on the first one.  Tomorrow's post will show the second one.  Once done, I'll be getting close to crossing off #2 on the 2020 To Do List.  


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