January 7th Update - Christmas Amaryllis 2020/2021 Edition

The last time I posted photo showing off this season's Christmas Amaryllis bulb was over this past weekend, but the photo was from 10 days ago on December 28th.  Today - these photos below are *from today* - our wax Amaryllis bulb is still throwing off blooms.    Here's how it looks from what I'm calling the front.  Blooms are closely packed together and the height is just - Chef's kiss - perfect.  Not too tall and leggy which means they usually flop over.  This waxed bulb is compact and short.

And, if you look closely at the flowers, you'll see that it is even producing new, about-to-open blooms like the one you see below:

Around back, you'll see some of the blooms in decline that I need to pinch off.

I'm not ready to give a final analysis of this waxed bulb Amaryllis experiment, but, right now, despite getting a late start, this thing has been pretty great.


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