Duchesse De Nemours White Peony - Planted May 2021

I've posted dozens of times about peonies.  Nat's favorite flower.  By a bunch.  We had a series of lovely and productive (flowering) peonies in Elmhurst, but in the past four growing seasons here in Downers Grove, we have yet to have ONE peony flower.  I think it has to do with all the shade we have and where the peonies are planted.  To try to solve that, I transplanted some of the peonies closer to the house in an attempt to get them some Sun.  

But, for Mother's Day, we also bought Nat a new peony.  It is this "Duchesse De Nemours White Peony" that you can see on the tag below:

This particular cultivar is white (which, we normally don't have) and comes with some credentials.  From White Flower Farm comes this description:

A century-and-a-half after its introduction, the fragrant double 'Duchesse de Nemours' remains a standard by which all other white Peonies are judged. Strong stems give the blossoms an aristocratic bearing; a touch of yellow at the base of the dense, ruffled inner petals lights them up with a warm glow. 'Duchesse de Nemours' is a winner of an Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society. Early.

Now, back to the location - you can see this new one planted below in the photo and how it is (now) surrounded by some other inherited peonies that I transplanted from the back of the yard.  This area gets Sun during the midday period and is the bed that I think will help get these going better than where they were historically living in our backyard. 

I've mulched this in (note...this post is live in June, but I planted it in late May 2021) and will water it to try to get as much new growth this season.


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