Miniature Variegated Hosta - June 2021 - Golden Tiara Hosta

We have a miniature variegated hosta that sits right below the large Northern Red Oak tree that our tree swing hangs from that I really like.  I'm not sure where it came from, but I am guessing that I pulled it from my Sister-in-laws lot right before they started to build their house back in 2018.  I ended up stashing a bunch of that stuff back in the far reaches of our yard and mostly forgot about all of it.

It was planted near a larger Catalpa tree in the back that the kids like to climb and that meant that it was getting trampled by little and looked a little neglected.  So, I dug it up in June 2019 and transplanted it around the large Oak tree on the north side of the lot.  In that post in 2019, I talked about how I admired this thing and said that as it grows, it was one that I should try to divide to make even more.

I posted a follow-up photo of this hosta last Summer (June 2020) and showed off even more new growth as it began to spread out a little bit.

Here, below, is a look at the same Hosta from a couple of weeks ago.  (Posting this in June, but this photo is from mid-May 2021).  It is showing off a really lovely chartreuse almost lime color on the leaves. 

I poked around on the Web and think that this just might be a "Golden Tiara Hosta".  On the "What Hosta do I have?" page from the Delaware Valley Hosta Association, they have a section at the bottom listing some small/miniature hostas.  I went to the Google Machine and plugged in the various names.  [Ginko Craig hosta]?   Nope.  [Allan P. McConnell hosta]? Nope.   [Kabitan hosta]?  Nope.  [The "Tiara" series hostas]?  Wait a minute.  sure looks like the Golden Tiara Hosta. 

Here's the Monrovia listing pageHere's another listing that shows a huge clump.  Golden Tiara puts up purple flowers, so I'll have to watch it this Summer to confirm.

As for dividing it, some folks over on Dave's Garden talk about how they've divided them and had success.  I'm thinking this is the year to give it a try.  Leave about 2/3rds where it is and carve off 1/3rd and plant in an adjacent spot.


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